Every once in a while, I wonder "Why do I write?" No one is reading and my books will never get published.
Then someone will encourage me ... like Anne Cina who drew these cartoons that make me smile. She was inspired to do so by my column (click here). And lo and behold she even alliterated it (now why didn't I think about the three C's!).
Now I really enjoy writing. I went to a C.S. Lewis Conference years ago and introduced myself as a "failed writer," to which someone said, "The only way you can be a failed writer is if you fail to write."
(I guess that is why she was a successful writer. Smart as a whip lady...and no sarcasm there, it really made an impact on me.)
In fact, that was when I started this blog. And sure enough, just as Anne gets therapy out of drawing, I get true pleasure out of writing my blog and sharing my insights. Perhaps some day when I am dead and gone, these writings will still be on the web and someone will get encouragement from them.
And even if not, when those like (backspace backspace backspace because if I start naming names, I will leave someone out who always uplifts me when they comment on when I have put musings into character form) Melissa and so many others encourage me, I press on. I am at a conference today and again I am inspired to continue to write and right at the right time, someone writes me (right?) like Anne and inspires me to keep on keeping on and voila! I write something.
So thank you, small fan club. I am not like my best friend from high school Marc Otte ... er ... Cameron who writes prolifically, professionally and pretty darn well entertainingly. I am not going to be on the New York Times best seller list ... ever (The Power of Positive Thinking was never on my reading list).
But I know one thing: I am on the Holy Spirit's Inspirational List because He surely inspires me, and I certainly hope that I am on the Lord's "Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant" List.