Tuesday, July 26, 2022

"Flee and pursue."

2 Timothy 2:22 could be translated as "Run away and run after!"

Flee means to escape, like Mary and Joseph did in fleeing to Egypt (Matthew 2:13) or Moses did when he fled from Egypt after he killed an Egyptian (Acts 7:29).

Pursue, on the other hand, means "to chase after in order to catch", says Dr. Rusty Womack of Rocky Hock Baptist Church (don't ya love that name of the church?).

Pursue can also be translated as persecute. Persecute? Yeah, like hunt it down, track it down, be on the prowl, but not for evil, but for good.

You don't have to be a youth to be chased by youthful lusts. I met a guy almost my age the other day who is still living like he was a teenager, stuck in youthful sins.

And a person of any age can chase down righteousness, faith, love and peace. Not that we'll catch them but we can pursue them, can't we?

How? First, stop chasing youthful lusts, or middle age lusts, or old people lusts! Be brave enough to "run away"!

Second, call on the Lord. Ask Him to purify your heart.

But be warned: it's not a one and done deal. Paul had told Timothy something similar in his previous letter. "But as for your, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness." (1 Timothy 6:11).

It's time. It's time to grow up, stop chasing the wrong things. Flee from them! Be a Man or Woman of God. Lace up your shoes and start chasing those things.