Monday, September 19, 2022

I AM #7 -- He is Power over All.

 Jesus said to them, “I AM” John 18:5

In the 3rd I AM statement, we see His judgment in relation to a lack of faith, but in this final, 7th I AM, we see His power in judgment relation to the literal presence of evil. Judas, as he led the soldiers, was not demon-possessed, he was devil-possessed.

In the 4th I AM statement, we see Jesus's power in salvation. But in this 7th I AM statement, we see His power over the saved and unsaved alike, power over all.

When we think of the PURE EVIL that is going on in our world, (Watch Tucker Carlson on September 19 for one of the most vile things I have seen going on today), we must remember that one day, Jesus will demonstrate His power over all unbelievers.

The final “I AM” declarative statement shows that Jesus is more powerful than man’s armies or soldiers, more powerful than betrayal and that through it all, the great “I AM” can cast any opposition onto their backs. That is power over all.

Oliver B. Greene wrote "It is not hard to believe that when Jesus declared, 'I AM," the power of the Word flattened a multitude of armed men. For the last time before His crucifixion, Jesus exercised the divine power He had used on so many other occasions...If Jesus demonstrated such power when He was about to be judged, what power will He demonstrate when He comes to judge?" That is power over all.

God is sovereign and no one who opposes Him and be victorious. He could have called more than twelve legions of angels (Matthew 26:53). and yet He chose to go to the cross. He could have escaped when they were knocked to the ground, but He did not. That is power all.

At the mere utterance of His “I AM” caused soldiers to fall. One day, just as Judas and the soldiers fell, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess He is Lord. That is power over all.

Two of the pictures shown are from on Isle of Patmos, where John received his revelation, or unveiling, of Jesus Christ. In the apocalyptic book, John included seven "I AM" statements. The third picture is from my bookshelf of Oliver Greene's books mentioned above, the wonderful book on the High Priestly Prayer of John 17, "Our Lord Prays for His Own" by the 19th Century Irish pastor, Marcus Rainsford, which was given to me by my wonderful friend Joyce Tuggle, and the two icons of John the Revelator, purchased on the Island of Patmos. The small Gospel of John book shown was a nice gift from Pastor Bud Olmstead, and you don't need to wonder about the orange book!

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