Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Revelation Song and Revelation 7:12

    Today we look at the sixth and seventh virtues extolled to God in Rev. 7:12. This verse is tied to Rev. 5:12, when all the world will be praising the Lamb of God who was slain. That chorus and choir gets even larger and is repeated when those from the Great Tribulation come before God's throne. John the Revelator saw possibly three and a half billion people and possibly more singing a song about the Lamb. 

    I do not know what the song will sound like from every nation, tongue and tribe. If you have not seen the story behind "The Revelation Song," watch the link below.

     6. POWER. This is the fourth and final word that is used in Rev. 5:12, Rev. 5:13, and Rev. 7:12. Those four virtues (Blessing, Honor, Glory and Power) of God are especially significant. 

     This is the dunamis power from which we also get the word “dynamite.” The explosive was so named because when it was invented, the power seemed massive considering its relatively small size. It was as though the power came from beyond itself. 

     Likewise, dunamis power is not from within, but rather from God. The sixth virtue of God is often linked with the seventh “might” or “strength”. The relation can be seen in a car engine as being the dunamis source of power and then the strength is when that power is implemented when the car actually moves and the “rubber hits the road.” 

     God not only has the power within Him, but He also has the strength and might to put that power into action.  Of all of the words used for power and might, dunamis is the most miraculous and other worldly!

     How have you seen God’s dunamis; that is, supernatural power, at work in your life? 

     Is it possible for God to put the “engine” of power in us and for us to only rev our engines but never “put the pedal to the metal” and go somewhere?

     Is God’s spirit a “dynamic” power within you? Why or why not? How can it be shown more dynamically in our lives?

     7. MIGHT/STRENGTH. There is not only power that belongs to God, He implements that power through His strength. After Paul spoke about the Armor of God, he concludes with a three fold power challenge. “Finally, my brethren, be strong (with dunamis power) in the Lord and in the power (forceful power as seen in Rev. 5:13) of His might (strengthening might).” Another way of looking at the difference between “power” and “might/strength” is “God has the power (dunamis) and He knows how to use it!”

     We know how to love God with all of our heart, soul and mind, but what does it look like to love God with all of our “strength” (Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27), the word used in Rev. 7:12?

     As little children we would sing, “They are weak but He is Strong.” What does that mean to us as adults?

     Conclusion: Tim LaHaye, the late End Times author of the Left Behind book series, wrote exhaustively on Christ’s second coming and the prophecies of the Bible. He lists in his Prophecy Study Bible 125 specific prophecies of Jesus first coming (see pages 1547-1551).  LaHaye specifically lists 329 direct Biblical prophecies of Christ’s Second Coming (see pages 1547-1599).

How do the nearly three times as many prophetic Scriptures promising Jesus return impact your desire to praise God for his “virtues” of Blessing, Glory, Wisdom, Thanksgiving, Riches, Honor, Power and Might?

The Revelation Song in Many Languages