I do not care for crickets. As we had an invasion of crickets this past Sunday, I stepped on them, swept them, trashed them, even went to the store to get spray to kill them. I felt like there were thousands of them.
After church, a little boy named John gently took one cricket and put it in the grass which was covered with thousands of other crickets.
I think about a God who made all of the universe, seven billion people, all of the animals and insects and yes crickets. God is so far above and beyond me, far greater than I am above a cricket.
And yet God cares for me. "What is humanity that you are mindful of us? People that you care?" the psalmist wrote. "He's rich in love and slow to anger," another psalm says.
Little John's tenderness did not change my mind about crickets, but it did remind me of how amazing it is that God greatly cares for me.
Last Sunday, Pastor Randy preached on "What Can We Know" about God--His eternal power, divine nature, and our response to that knowledge. This week, we are studying about a personal God, seeing even more importantly "What God knows about us."
So my lesson from the crickets? Hmm. How about, "There's a place where God wants us to be and if we are in the wrong place, like crickets in a place made for humans, we may face judgment."
Now that will preach!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Session 2--A Personal God Has A Passion For Me